
Accurate financial records for informed decision-making.
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Ensuring financial transparency and compliance.
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Zakat & Tax

Zakat & Tax

Expert guidance on Zakat obligations and tax compliance.
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Business Solutions


Leveraging technology for efficient financial management.
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Wealth Advisory

Wealth Advisory

Building a strong financial future through strategic planning.
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Trusted by highly established businesses
around the globe

Why Choose Core Consultation?

At CORE, we stand out as your trusted partner for financial and managerial consultancy. Our client-centric approach ensures that your unique needs and objectives are our top priority, guiding every recommendation and solution we provide. Backed by our industry expertise, holistic perspective, and proven track record of delivering tangible results, we offer a collaborative partnership focused on your success. Choose CORE for personalized attention, innovative solutions, and unwavering commitment to helping your business thrive.



Bookkeeping is the cornerstone of financial management for any business, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and informed decision-making. At CORE, our bookkeeping services offer:

Accuracy and Precision:

Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every financial transaction is accurately recorded and categorized, providing you with a clear and up-to-date picture of your financial health.

Compliance and Regulation:

We keep our clients compliant with all relevant financial regulations and standards, reducing the risk of penalties or fines and providing peace of mind.

Insightful Reporting:

Beyond data entry, our bookkeeping service includes insightful financial reporting and analysis, offering clients valuable insights into their financial performance and facilitating informed decision-making for business growth and success.

0 +
0 Years
Business Expansion & Growth Strategies

Charting Your Course for Growth - Business Expansion Strategies As your business matures, a natural desire arises to expand your

A Startup Guide

Launching Your Dream Company: A Startup Guide Do you have a groundbreaking idea that keeps you up at night? Does

Ai Innovation

AI Innovation: Revolutionizing Businesses Across Industries Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business landscape. By leveraging AI's capabilities, businesses

Project Studies:
Real-world Success Stories

Our purpose in sharing these success stories is to encourage you to keep striving towards your dreams

Connecting things,
It’s all about people

We aim for a world of convenience and value for many customers

Frequently Asked

What services does CORE offer?

CORE offers a comprehensive suite of consulting services designed to help businesses achieve their strategic goals. Here are some of our core offerings:

  • Bookkeeping and Accounting: Our team meticulously handles your day-to-day financial transactions, recording income and expenses, reconciling accounts, and generating accurate financial reports.
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis: We provide insightful reports and analysis, giving you a clear picture of your financial health, profitability, and cash flow. This empowers you to make informed business decisions.
  • Accounts Payable & Receivable Management: We streamline your payment and collection processes, ensuring timely payments to vendors and prompt collections from customers. This optimizes your cash flow and reduces the risk of bad debt.
  • Payroll Processing: Our team ensures your employees are paid accurately and on time, adhering to all tax and labor regulations.
  • Financial System Implementation & Support: We help you select and implement efficient accounting software, providing ongoing support and training to your staff.
  • Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Services: We guide businesses through the entire M&A process, from deal origination and due diligence to negotiation and closing.
  • Strategic Planning: We collaborate with you to develop a clear strategic vision, identify growth opportunities, and create a roadmap for success.
  • Project Management: We bring expertise and proven methodologies to manage your projects efficiently, ensuring they meet deadlines and deliver desired outcomes.
  • Business Process Improvement: We help streamline your operations, optimize processes, and enhance overall business efficiency.
Who can benefit from CORE's consultation services?

Our services are tailored to businesses of all sizes and across various industries. Whether you're a startup seeking guidance on launching your dream company or an established enterprise looking to expand your market reach, CORE can be your trusted partner.

What are the benefits of working with CORE?
  • Industry Expertise: Our team of experienced consultants possesses a deep understanding of various industries and market dynamics.
  • Data-Driven Approach: We leverage data analytics and market research to inform our recommendations and ensure strategic decision-making.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to address your specific needs and challenges, developing a customized approach for your business.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a successful history of helping businesses achieve their strategic objectives.
What is the consultation process like?

The consultation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: We discuss your business needs, goals, and challenges to understand your unique situation.
  2. Project Scoping: We work with you to define the scope of the project and develop a customized engagement plan.
  3. Data Collection & Analysis: We gather necessary data and conduct thorough analysis to inform our recommendations.
  4. Strategic Planning & Recommendations: We collaborate with you to develop a strategic plan or recommend solutions tailored to your needs.
  5. Implementation Support: We can assist you in implementing the recommended solutions and track progress towards your goals.
How much do CORE's consultation services cost?

Our fees are typically structured based on the project's complexity, scope, and the required level of expertise. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your needs and provide a customized fee proposal.

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